Health Emergencies

In case of an emergency, contact TCCD dispatch at 817-515-8911, or dial 58911 from any campus phone.

Learn what to do in medical emergencies.

Emergency Equipment

Emergency equipment is located in each building on every campus.

  • Automatic External Defibrillators (AED): Used during cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Learn how to use an AED by watching our AED training video. (Video will open in a new window)
  • Evacu-Trac Evacuation Chairs: Used to bring a wheelchair-bound person down a stairwell. Learn how to use an Evacu-Trac chair by watching our Evacu-Trac training video. (Video will open in a new window)


According to the American Heart Association, most people who experience cardiac arrest in a public place die because they don't receive immediate CPR from someone nearby.

Be more than a bystander. Save lives by watching how to do hands-only CPR. (Link will open in a new window)

Updated January 12, 2024