529 College Savings Plan

A 529 plan is a college savings plan that helps families set aside funds for future education costs. When you enroll in college, you can use savings from your 529 plan to pay for tuition.

529 College Savings Plan Providers

TCC commonly works with the following 529 plan providers:

  • Texas Tuition Promise Funds
  • Texas Guaranteed Tuition Plan/Texas Tomorrow Fund
  • Florida Prepaid
  • State Nevada Treasure Office Prepaid Tuition

How to Pay Your Tuition with a 529 College Savings Plan

My provider is listed

If TCC commonly works with your provider,

  1. Email BUSVhelp@tccd.edu the proper documentation (letter of agreement or purchase order) authorizing your covered classes.
  2. Contact Business Services to verify the check payment has been received from your 529 plan provider.
  3. Review the Your Responsibilities section on the third-party sponsor page.

My provider is not listed

If TCC does not commonly work with your provider,

  1. Have your parent or the plan owner request the funds from the 529 plan provider.
  2. Mail a check to Business Services.
  3. Contact Business Services to verify the check payment has been received from your 529 plan provider.
  4. Review the Your Responsibilities section on the third-party sponsor page.

We recommend you start this process as soon you're able to ensure your tuition is paid on time. Keep in mind the following:

  • Term payment deadlines
  • How long it takes the 529 plan provider to distribute the funds
  • How long it takes TCC to receive the check from your parent or plan owner (it can take up to 6 weeks for TCC to process the check)


Contact Business Services.

Updated August 08, 2023