Nutrition & Dietetics: Special Admission

Nutrition & Dietetics (formerly Dietetic Technician) is a special admission program.

After being accepted to TCC, you must meet the following requirements to be eligible to submit a separate application to the program.

Am I eligible to apply?

Check to see that you have met the following special admission criteria.

TCC Student ID Number

First, you must apply to TCC.

Apply online with ApplyTCC (use Firefox or Chrome for the best experience)

Once you are accepted as a student at TCC, you will get a TCC Student ID number.

You need a TCC Student ID number for your application to our Nutrition & Dietetics Program.

Prerequisite Courses

You must have completed the following 2 prerequisite dietetics courses (with a B or better) by the end of the semester or within the last 5 years:

If you are enrolled in FDNS-1103 and HECO-1322, you may apply to the Nutrition & Dietetics program before you finish the courses.

However, you will not be admitted to the program until your course grade is published on your transcript.

Post-Acceptance Requirements

Practicum: Supervised Practice

Practicum provides supervised practice experience in real life situations.  You are required to complete 3 practicum courses, with a minimum of 150 hours for each practicum.

  • Full-time students typically start their practicum rotation on the 2nd or 3rd semester with a practicum for each of the following semesters. 
  • Part-time students typically complete the practicum during the last 3 semesters before graduating.

Learn more about the Practicum

Verification for Credentialing Exam

When you graduate from our program, the program director will give you the verification statement to take the Dietetic Technician, Registered (DTR) certification examination if you meet the following verification requirements:

  • Completed successfully all dietetic courses (HECO, IFWA, FDNS) with a grade of "C" or better
  • Earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 in all dietetics courses
  • Received acceptable practice standard as determined by preceptors
  • Graduated with A.A.S.
  • Passed a DTR Competencies Exit Exam on food management, community nutrition and clinical nutrition—based on a 70 percent pass / fail grading system—before graduation
  • Attended an exit interview during the last 2 weeks of class to complete appropriate paperwork for submission to the Commission on Dietetics Registration (CDR)



Southeast Campus

Christina Liew-Newville, Ed.D., R.D., L.D.
Dietetics Program Coordinator
Nutrition & Dietetics Program Director


Southeast Campus

Denise Blevins, M.S., R.D., L.D.
Dietary Manager Program Coordinator


Southeast Campus

Dietetics Program

Call 817-515-3051

Updated February 02, 2024