Drop 6 Rule

If you are a first-time-in-college (FTIC) student of Fall 2007 or later, you may not drop more than 6 courses, including those taken at another college or university according to the Texas Education Code, Section 51.907.

Dual credit students who drop a class (while still in high school) will not have their drop count toward this drop limit.

If I drop a class before the start of the semester, does that count toward my 6 class limit?

No. All courses dropped after the official day of record (census date) are included in the 6 course limit, unless:

  • You withdraw from all courses.
  • A drop exception is authorized.

The official day of record for an undergraduate regular term course is the 12th class day (census date). Visit the 2024–2025 Academic Calendar for all census dates, including other-than-regular terms.

What is a drop exception?

Drop exceptions can be approved by the Vice President of Student Affairs if you document one of the following:

  • You, a member of your family, or a person of equally important relationship to you experiences a serious illness or other debilitating condition.
  • You become responsible for the care of a sick, injured, or needy person.
  • There is a death in your family or of a non-family member of equally important relationship.
  • You or a member of your family, or a person of equally important relationship to you, is called to active duty service as a member of the Texas National Guard or the armed forces of the United States.
  • There is a change in your work schedule that is beyond your control.
  • The College determines that there is other good cause for you to drop the course.

If you drop 6 or more courses without an approved drop exception, you will incur registration and drop restrictions during all subsequent semesters and may incur other enrollment limitations or requirements.

How do I request a drop exception?

  1. Drop your classes first through MyTCCTrack
  2. Submit the Request Drop Exception Form through Hello!TCC.

You must submit your request no later than 30 days after the end of the term in which the class was dropped.

In some instances, documentation will be required to support your reason for dropping. You will be notified if your request is denied.

We encourage you to contact a career advisor before dropping a class to learn more about possible impacts.

Updated September 06, 2024