The TCC Impact. Far Reaching. Life Changing.

A collage banner showing various students working in a variety of jobs

The Economic Value of
Tarrant County College

For almost 60 years, Tarrant County College has strengthened education at all levels, forged community partnerships and turbocharged the economy. Now we’re being recognized for it.

A new independent study by the nationally known labor market analysis firm Lightcast confirms that TCC’s value extends far beyond a traditional two-year college education.

We’re talking $2.1 billion in added income for Tarrant County. That’s huge — a tremendous return on the investment of our students, local residents and state.

Even more impressive than the dollars are the lives transformed. Many of our students are the first in their family to attend college. Some want to advance their careers; others need additional training to increase opportunities for a better-paying job. When they thrive, so do our county and our region.

The information highlighted here illustrates our economic importance and demonstrates that TCC creates value from multiple perspectives. Students receive higher earnings. The businesses and industries that employ them enjoy increased productivity. Taxpayers benefit from added revenue.

We call all of this the TCC impact. And it wouldn’t be possible without our business, industry, educational and community partners.

Thanks to them, TCC Trailblazers are spearheading corporations and leading nonprofits, caring for the sick and educating our youth, excelling in the arts and fighting cybercrime, and so much more.

We’re not just building a college. We’re growing the place we call home.

Economic Impact Analysis

Total Impact

$2.1 Billion
Total income added in Tarrant County

Of Tarrant County's GRP

Total jobs supported in Tarrant County

1 out of 54
Jobs in the county

A female nursing student smiles while holding a chart A pie chart showing the economic impact by job industry, summarized in the following text
Impacts by Industry (Jobs Supported)
Industry Jobs Supported
Retail transformed 4,299
Real Estate & Rental & Leasing 2,538
Construction 1,802
Health Care & Social Assistance 1,605
Administrative & Waste Services 1,509
All Other industries 14,469

Alumni & Student Impact

An icon of a briefcase

Alumni Impact

Higher alumni earnings and increased business profit + ripple effects

$1.7 Billion
Added county income

Jobs supported in Tarrant County

A female student with a dark , curly hair smiles in the foreground. The soft focus background appears to be a library
An icon of a hand holding a credit card

Student Spending Impact

Relocated/retained student spending + ripple effects

$93.1 Million
Added county income

Jobs supported in Tarrant County

A male student with a dark beard and glasses smiles in the foreground, while the TCC Northeast Campus clock is in the background

Operations & Construction Impact

An icon of a school building

Operation Spending Impact

College payroll and other spending + ripple effects

$267.2 Million
Added county income

Jobs supported in Tarrant County

A female professor raises her arms triumphantly above her head while seated at a table. Other faculty and staff can be seen seated around her.
An icon of a cement mixing truck

Construction Spending Impact

College payroll and other spending + ripple effects

$46.1 Million
Added county income

Jobs supported in Tarrant County

Heavy machinery can be seen in the distance, erecting the new building on TCC Northwest campus

Investment Analysis

An icon of a graduation cap with a circle of arrows rotating around it

Student Perspective

Benefit/cost ratio

For every dollar students invest in TCCD in the form of out-of-pocket expenses and forgone time and money, they will receive a cumulative value of $9.20 in higher future earnings.

An icon of a building with columns

Taxpayer Perspective

Benefit/cost ratio

For every dollar of public money invested in TCCD, taxpayers will receive a cumulative value of $1.30 over the course of the students’ working lives.

An icon of a two generic people connected in a network diagram

Social Perspective

Benefit/cost ratio

For every dollar invested in TCCD, people in Texas will receive a cumulative value of $11.00 in benefits.

(Benefits of this investment occur as long as the fiscal year 2021–2022 students remain in the state workforce.)

About TCCD

A bar and line chart showing that an associate's degree from TCC leads to an average salary of $44,600

TCCD in Fiscal Year 2021–2022

Credit students served

Non-credit students served

$228.1 Million
Total payout/benefits

$42 Million
Total tuition revenue

Interested in doing business with TCC?
