Campus Security Authorities

The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (the Clery Act) requires all institutions of higher education to collect crime reports from a variety of individuals and organizations that Clery considers to be Campus Security Authorities (CSAs).

All designated CSAs are required to annually report Clery reportable offenses that were reported to them between January 1–December 31.

Who is considered a CSA?

The Tarrant County College District, in accordance with this federal law and its guidelines, recognizes the following 4 groups of individuals and organizations as Campus Security Authorities (CSAs):

  1. All members of a campus police department or a campus security department of an institution.
  2. Individuals who have responsibility for campus security but who are not part of the campus police or security department (including access monitors and contract/event security).
  3. Individuals or organizations specified in an institution's statement of campus security policy as those to whom students and employees should report crimes,
  4. An official of an institution who has significant responsibility for student and campus activities, including, but not limited to, student discipline and campus judicial proceedings.
    • An official is defined as any person who has the authority and the duty to take action or respond to particular issues on behalf of the institution. Officials with significant responsibility for student and campus activities whose functions involve building relationships with students are Campus Security Authorities.

A Campus Security Authority's primary responsibility is to report allegations of Clery Act crimes they receive to the reporting structure established by the institution, which is the Tarrant County College District Police Department for us.

Under the Clery Act, a crime is "reported" when it is brought to the attention of a Campus Security Authority, the campus police department, or local law enforcement personnel by a victim, witness, other third party, or even the offender. Campus Security Authorities are strongly encouraged to immediately report crimes to the Tarrant County College District Police Department so these reports can be assessed for potential Timely Warning Notices to determine whether the crimes pose a serious or ongoing threat to the campus community.

What is TCC's Clery Act geography?

We are required to report crimes that occur within our Clery Act geography.

Tarrant County College District's Clery Act geography includes the 3 following categories:

  • On campus
  • On public property within or immediately adjacent to the campus
  • In or on non-campus buildings or property, both domestic and international, that are owned, leased, or otherwise controlled by the Tarrant County College District

We do not have any on-campus student housing facilities, so the residential facilities statistical reporting requirement does not apply to us.

What are the crimes TCC is required to report?

According to federal law, the Tarrant County College District Police Department is required to report statistics for the following crimes that are reported to a Campus Security Authority (CSA) that occur within our Clery Act geography:

  • murder/non-negligent manslaughter,
  • manslaughter by negligence,
  • sex offenses (rape, including sodomy; fondling; incest; and statutory rape),
  • robbery,
  • aggravated assault,
  • burglary,
  • motor vehicle theft,
  • arson,
  • domestic violence,
  • dating violence,
  • stalking,
  • and arrests and referrals for liquor law violations, drug law violations, and/or weapons law violations.

We are also required to report statistics for hate (bias)-related crimes for the following classifications:

  • murder/non-negligent manslaughter,
  • sex offenses,
  • robbery,
  • aggravated assault,
  • burglary,
  • motor vehicle theft,
  • arson, larceny,
  • simple assault,
  • intimidation,
  • and vandalism.

How should CSAs report a crime?

Designated CSAs for the Tarrant County College District should use the District Campus Security Authority reporting form to report a crime incident or submit their yearly required report.

The form can only be accessed on the TCC network.

Once the form is filled out and submitted, it will automatically be sent to the Tarrant County College Police Department for assessment.

Updated April 17, 2023