V. Reporting

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Any person who believes s/he has been the subject of discrimination or harassment due to sex or is aware of a member of the community who has been subject to discrimination or harassment is strongly encouraged to contact the Title IX Coordinator or any Deputy Title IX Coordinator. Please see FFDA Regulation for reporting procedures.

TCCD encourages all persons who have experienced sexual assault to seek assistance and file a criminal complaint with campus law enforcement or local law enforcement as soon as possible and to seek care from a medical facility with trained SANE (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners) within 96 hours of the assault. If a student or employee reports a possible sexual assault to campus law enforcement, the information, to include the complainant's name and the name of the accused, if known, will be shared with the Title IX Coordinator.

To contact the Tarrant County College District Campus Police Department, call 817-515-5100. For emergencies, call 817-515-8911.

Further, all faculty, staff, and volunteers on campus who work with students or minors, and every person identified as Campus Security Authorities (CSAs) under the Clery Act have responsibility to report to the Title IX Coordinator any reports of sexual misconduct made to them or observed by them, to include the name of the complainant and accused, if known. Student workers also have a duty to report sexual misconduct known or observed by them to the Title IX Coordinator. These students would include student employees.

Even employees and students not named in this protocol should be aware that TCCD strongly encourages the reporting of all sexual misconduct known or observed to the Title IX Coordinator.

The Title IX Coordinator and Deputy Title IX Coordinators oversee the resolution of complaints.

Finally, TCCD has established an anonymous reporting mechanism to enable students and employees to report anonymously and privately any policy violations known or observed. Any person may file a report directly online using TCCD's anonymous reporting form at TCC Police: Victim Assistance. TCCD will promptly and thoroughly investigate all reports of harassment as privately as practicable but cannot guarantee confidentiality. If a person reports sexual harassment using the anonymous reporting form, TCCD will investigate as thoroughly as possible given the information provided. Persons should be aware that TCCD will take all reasonable steps to investigate and respond to the complaint consistent with the information provided, to include the request not to pursue an investigation. If a reporter fails to provide his/her name or other identifiable information and the name of the accused individual, TCCD's ability to respond may be limited.

False Claims

Please see FFDA Local for the policy on reporting false claims.

Updated March 29, 2024