Attending Class for Dual Credit

Confirm with your professor that you are on the class roster on the first day of class. If you are not on the instructor’s roster, you must contact your high school representative and coordinator of dual credit immediately. You may not continue to attend a class if you are not on the class roster and will be referred to your high school counselor’s office for directions. All course/section changes should be completed by the first day of class.

Read about the attendance policy, conflicts with extracurricular activities, communicating with your instructor, course requirements, and how to check grades in our dual credit manual.

Scholastic Dishonesty

Every member of the Tarrant County College (TCC) community is expected to maintain the highest standards of academic integrity. All work submitted for credit is expected to be your own work. TCC may initiate disciplinary proceedings against you if you are accused of scholastic dishonesty. Examples may include falsifying records, plagiarism, cheating and collusion. For more details, read your dual credit manual and/or the student handbook.

Your TCC student handbook will also cover the expectations and responsibilities of being a student at TCC.

Electronic Media Violations

Inappropriate use of College computers and computing resources includes, but is not limited to, the violations listed in the Acceptable Use Guidelines for Computing and Technology Resources.

Drop or Withdrawal Policies

We understand that sometimes students are not prepared for the commitment and discipline that's required for being successful in a college course.

You have the opportunity to consult with your instructor, counselor, and the dual credit coordinators to request a withdrawal from a selected class.

It is your responsibility to contact your school counselor immediately if you are considering not completing a dual enrollment class. It is also the your responsibility for making sure that the class has been dropped or withdrawn. Get more information about drops and withdrawals.


Contact your school's Coordinator of Educational Partnerships.

Updated August 18, 2023