Doing Business With TCC

Business opportunities with TCC can benefit your company or organization. Our mission is to discover best value solutions in the purchase of products and services while presenting competitive opportunities.

  • Bids with TCC: Register to become an approved vendor and find information about doing business with TCC. This includes open bid opportunities, purchasing policies, and Minority and Women Owned Business Enterprises.
  • Business Advisory Council: Partner with TCC to help guide programs related to your business and build a skilled workforce for the future.
  • Uniform Facilities Library: View technical design and furniture standard guidelines when working with TCC.
  • Documents: Find manuals and additional documents from our Procurement Department.
  • Facility Reservation: Find out how to reserve space at TCC for your next conference or event.
  • Minority/Women Business Enterprises & Historically Underutilized Business: Read how TCC creates successful business opportunities by partnering with Minority/Women Business Enterprises & Historically Underutilized Business (M/WBE/HUB).
  • Auctions: Bid on TCC's surplus inventory through auctioneer LSOauctions. TCC employees are not allowed to participate.
  • Procurement: Contact our Procurement Department with questions.

Updated July 15, 2024