Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)

Quick Facts

EMTs work alongside paramedics in the delivery of basic life support procedures and emergency pre-hospital care.

Explore on This Page

Job Titles & Career Info

Our Program

Why Choose EMT?

  • Work with a team in fast-paced, unpredictable situations
  • Help save lives in emergency situations
  • Enter the emergency medical services field right away but know you can return to apply your certificate toward our Paramedic Programs to advance in your career

Prepare for What You Will Do at Work

  • Work with paramedics, police & firefighters at emergency sites
  • Answer emergency calls & transport patients to medical facilities
  • May perform medical services at the scene

Marketable Skills You Will Learn

  • Critical thinking
  • Reasoning
  • Communication
  • Personal & social responsibility
  • Teamwork
  • Computer literacy

Before You Enroll, Think About:

Open Enrollment with Requirements

Our EMT program continues to be an open enrollment program and does not require a separate application or prior approval from the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Program.

However, you do need to meet state requirements.

Find Out About the Requirements

Attending an information session is highly recommended (but not required), so you can learn about state requirements.

See the Attend an Information Session block on this page for the dates and times of upcoming sessions.

Get More Details About EMT on These Pages:

What do I need to work as an EMT?

Texas EMT Certification

Successfully complete these 2 courses:

And you can qualify to:

What about the TCC EMT Certificate?

If you need financial aid to be able to earn Texas EMT Certification, then you will need to complete our Emergency Medical Technician Certificate.

Licensing Notice: Texas House Bill 1508

This program prepares you for an occupational license. However, you may not be eligible for licensing if you have a prior criminal history.

For more details, see:

Need a boost to get ready for college?

Talk to your advisor about Developmental Studies if your TSI scores say you need some help in math or reading and writing.

Degrees & Certificates


Level 4

Continuing Education Courses

See About Our EMT Program: Professional Development for details.

  • CPR for Health Care Providers
  • Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) Provider Course

Attend an Information Session

About the Session

What You Need to Know

About 40% of EMT students are not able to start or remain in the program after the first day of class due to incomplete state requirements.

Avoid being part of that 40%: Attend 1 of our information sessions and find out what you need to know to stay in the program.

Open Enrollment with Requirements

Our EMT program continues to be an open enrollment program with no separate application required.

However, you do need to meet state requirements.

Information Session Details

Attending an information session is highly recommended (but not required), so you can find out how to register for classes and stay in the program.

When & Where

All information sessions will be held in-person on Northeast Campus in the Health Sciences (NHSC) building.

Upcoming 2024 Dates
Date Day Time Room
October 18 Friday 9 a.m. NHSC 1110
November 5 Tuesday 6 p.m. NHSC 1112/1114
December 6 Friday 9 a.m. NHSC 1110
Upcoming 2025 Date
Date Day Time Room
January 6 Monday 3 p.m. NHSC 1110


Health Sciences Department

Call 817-515-6435
Email health.sciences@tccd.edu

How Much Time & Money to Finish?

Certificate Program

Degree or Certificate Program Title Semester Credit Hours Total Tuition & Fees
CRT1 Emergency Medical Technician 18 $1,242

Taking only 2 courses for Texas EMT Certification?

Course Number Course Name Semester Credit Hours Total Tuition
EMSP-1501  Emergency Medical Technician 6 $414
EMSP-1160 Clinical-Emergency Medical Technology

Notes: Tuition is based on in-state, in-county rates.

Additional Fees

These estimates are for program-specific costs and are subject to change. We have tried to identify the current cost of all books and materials, as well as estimates for meals and parking while on clinical rotations.

Program Component Approximate
Cost Per Semester
Books $200
Uniforms $150
Miscellaneous $240
Registry/Certification $212

Earn More Choices & More Money

Transfer to a college or university to continue your studies. Earning a bachelor’s degree opens the door to career and promotion opportunities.

Next steps

Start on Your Pathway!


Northeast Campus

Health Sciences Department

Visit NHSC, Room 1118

Call 817-515-6435

Email health.sciences@tccd.edu

Updated July 23, 2024